Friday, 17 June 2011

Time to Paint!

Thanks to a nasty pain in my left wrist I have taken a wee break from needle-felting. Never one to sit still though I decided to do a little set of wildlife paintings. This is a set of ACEOs. For those of you that don't know ACEO stands for Art Cards, Editions and Originals. The only rule is size. They must measure 3.5 inches x 2.5 inches. People collect them and often store them in albums. I had never heard of them until a friend told me about them and when I joined Folksy I was amazed at the variety and skill level available. Anyway here are my latest efforts!

Mr Hare

Mr Fox

Mr Hedgehog 

And Mr Squirrel

I hope you like them! Not much chance to get on with the needle felting until this evening which should give my wrist a bit more of a rest! Hopefully though I should have something more to show you soon :-)


  1. These are lovely. I have a hare living just up the lane & he looks great when he's bouncing alongside the verge.Just like your picture. Rgds Nicky

  2. Hi Nicky, I have to say Mr Hare is my favourite. We are lucky enough to live next to a large field and this spring there were often a dozen hares chasing each other round! Such beautiful creatures :-)


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