Saturday, 18 June 2011

The Duck King and Friends

I just realise that I have only so far posted work in progress on this blog so her for your delictation are two finished pieces. The first is entitled The Duck King. He was loosely based on a bird I found in a book about patterns but he soon developed a character of his own! If you really like him he is for sale in my Folksy shop, just follow the link in my profile!

The Duck King

Side View!
A Regal looking fellow I am sure you will agree, although feeling a little lonely since his friend Sleepy Mouse went off to his new home.

Sleepy Mouse (sold)
Each of these pieces takes many many hours of stabbing at the felt, making it form the shapes. I have never actually counted how long but perhaps next time I shall. Hope you have enjoyed seeing my little creations! Bye for now! S.


  1. What beautiful creations - they must have taken many stabs! Liz :)

  2. They are really beautiful!

  3. Thankyou very much! Yes Liz, many many stabs some of which got my fingers! Ouchy! Am hoping to finish Mrs Mouse fairly soon and will have some new photos up then :-)


Please feel free to leave a comment but try to be nice because if you are naughty then a little kitten will cry.